Friday, August 12, 2011

Head, Neck, and Anatomy


greenishthing said...

Michael so many thanks for sharing your work here - they come as a nice supplement to the book. I use your book on a daily bais (along with Goldfinger's and Vilppu's videos).
One question: could your give use some value indications (from 0 to 10, I don't knwo how to call that in english). The terminator on a round form is darker than the from shadow on the same round form, a cast shadow is darker than... anything else? But then again I notice you often draw the contour of cast shadows much darker than the cast shadow itseld (for clarity?). Could you give us some indication on "who" should be the darkest, "who" should be just a bit lest dark etc.
Please forgive my terrible english.
So many many thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Xeon said...

Hi Mr. Hampton, I realize that the next edition of your book will be coming out this Sep 2011, with additional info on drawing the arms and legs, which the current edition misses out on.

In the current edition (3rd edition), although the info on head construction is good, it would be even better if you could include muscles of the face, and where they attach etc (just like the way you show how the torso muscles attach to the rib cage etc.). This is something which I feel is lacking in the book now, and I often have to refer to other sources to supplement the missing stuff.

Maybe you could put those in the 5th edition, since I think it's too late to include all these in the upcoming 4th edition.

Good day!

Ardent fan,
Xeon said...

MC - I will work try and get something up for tone if possible in the near future.

Xeon - Thanks for the suggestion. I really don't intend for this to be an anatomy book. Rather one much more devoted to the process of drawing the figure. Including more on the anatomy of parts is all only directed at showing the process of drawing that form more clearly. While I apologize that you find the head drawing chapter lacking, I think it might be best to supplement it with an outside book (perhaps Gary Fagan). I would recommend actually that most of the book be supplemented in this way.

Thanks for the suggestion!!

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